Why Lean?
In some respects, saying businesses must adapt to constant change and evolving market dynamics sounds like a broken record. When haven’t businesses had to adapt to change to remain competitive? Change is inevitable.
However, the saying seems more relevant today because technological change seems unprecedented. Regardless of how you approach the saying, one thing is certain: businesses that don’t continuously adapt will not thrive. Thus, I am a big proponent of lean methodology because it makes sense.
Fueling Productivity through Employee Engagement
Sarah Van Allen of Gallup, Inc. says, “To win customers—and a bigger share of the marketplace—companies must first win the hearts and minds of their employees.” Sarah is correct.
Long gone (or should be) the days when employees were treated as “things”—useful only for specific tasks and considered to be easily replaced. This “assembly line” mentality is no longer the norm. Employees demand more from their employers and must get more to stay engaged.