
Mary Colak Mary Colak

The Importance of Acknowledging Mistakes in Project Management

In project management, the path to success is often paved with challenges and, inevitably, mistakes. Recently, I had an experience within a non-profit regarding a minor issue where I voiced my opinion about the importance of inclusivity in a group project. There was certainly no malice or intent at malice by the project team—they just did not consider all aspects important to a group when they embarked on the project—but an oversight led to a product that did not include all appropriate elements.

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Facilitating through the Storm

Let’s face it. Anyone with any amount of facilitation skill can lead a group that is performing well. That’s the good part.

But what about groups perpetually stuck in storming? These groups pose bad and ugly scenarios that must be resolved before the group can perform. In fact, a group stuck in storming can be a facilitator’s worst nightmare (no matter how skilled he or she happens to be).

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