There’s Something About Money
Do you have enough money? I wish I could say that I did, although I certainly don’t—but some days I suppose that I do.
How much money is enough? And who or what precisely quantifies “enough money?”
If you are the quantifier, how do you know when you have enough? Is it because you own one car or a garage full of antique cars? Or is it because you can afford to take public transportation everywhere? Or do you even need material possessions to quantify having enough money? I imagine we do need material things. Otherwise, what is the point of money?
Money is an exciting topic. It can be a hot question in boardrooms and bedrooms, but not the kind of “hot” you’re thinking about when it’s in the bedroom.
Many people will tell you that money isn’t everything. For example, they say that love, relationships, and family all trump money. But I don’t buy it (no pun intended). And if love is all you need, then where does money fit? Those who have ever been in love claim that love is incredible in the early days. Of course, that’s true because the body is swooning in oxytocin, the love hormone. But a year into the relationship, if you are moving from job to job to make ends meet, your lack of stable employment may eclipse love. Likewise, living on debt can suck you dry—I’ve been there, done that.
And relationships? It’s the same thing. We can rely on our friends to bail us out of jams but only for so long—eventually, our friends grow tired of always giving but never getting anything in return.
The same goes for family—dependable family steps in to help out—until they don’t. Then, if we never have enough money to give ourselves the things we feel we truly deserve and enjoy, the family gets to a point where they cannot keep enabling the same “going nowhere” behaviours. Fair point.
Yes, that greenback god is an interesting phenomenon. You cannot live without it, no matter who says that you can. But is it the key to everything? From a business and personal perspective, I believe that money is power. People have made this a fact. Just think about how many influential people you know without money. Can you name one? I’ll bet that for each influential person you named without money, you can name at least three with money.
PS: My first e-book comes out soon. It is a collection of my favourite posts about money and related topics. The book offers a fresh perspective on money and prosperity. After reading, you might be encouraged to work harder and make more money. Or maybe the book will encourage you to do the opposite. Either way, I wish you a world of success that includes the means and ability to have enough money to purchase all the material things you desire.