When the World Turned

The year 2019 seems so long ago that it’s hard to imagine what life must have been like back then. I sometimes think that maybe this is all just a bad dream and I’ll wake up one day to realize the past two-plus years didn’t really happen. Were we stuck in a Matrix movie since 2020? I mean, it happens. In movies. I never imagined that our leaders could create such distress, discord, disunity, and divisiveness in society in such a short time.

I think that we—the average citizen—were subjected to some incredible—and effective—propaganda that created a large collective of fear that resulted in poor judgment and cowardice. In essence, worldwide leadership lacked the wisdom and fortitude to do the right thing when the right thing was absolutely crucial for humanity.

Looking back on the available information in the early days of the pandemic, no one can claim that there was a lack of information. There were myriad scientific reports from credible sources such as The National Library of Medicine, The Journal of Medical Internet Research, Psychiatria Daunbina, The Journal of Medical Systems, Cornell University, and others. One just needed to search for the information to understand the logic and create rational arguments using rigorous science.

However, none of that happened at the levels where it should have happened. Instead, as directed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC), our governments, media, and Big Tech succumbed to the same account—disrupt the flow of information and prevent free speech and questions that go against the main narrative: Keep the fear alive and amplify information from the WHO and CDC. Nothing else seemed to matter.

One might ask how private companies like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, mainstream media, and other outlets came on board so quickly with censorship of information to promote the propaganda. These organizations certainly did not start as information censor police, but something clearly happened within the ranks that they colluded with the health and government authorities.

Of course, then there is Big Pharma, likely a key purveyor of the health decisions made in the early days. We all know how well the vaccines fixed the problem, don’t we? However, the sad part about the vaccination drive is that so many (especially the uber boosted) refuse to admit how wrong the vaccines and Big Pharma were. The vaccines didn’t fix the problem; they significantly exacerbated it.

Many vaccinated would likely say that the population has acquired some herd immunity because of the vaccine. However, these same people will not admit that herd immunity would have occurred naturally; viruses mutate without assistance from vaccines. But, again, this information was never up for discussion. Science did not lead the pandemic measures.

The vaccine problem was that the developers thought the mRNA in the vaccines would remain in and around the vaccination site. However, Pfizer’s data shows that the mRNA and subsequent spike protein distribute widely in the body within hours.

A huge issue with this is that the spike protein is a toxin shown to cause cardiovascular and neurological damage. It also has reproductive toxicity; Pfizer’s data shows it accumulates in women’s ovaries. It also expels in breast milk. Another side effect is that the spike protein binds to platelet receptors and the cells lining your blood vessels. When this happens, the platelets clump together, resulting in blood clots and/or abnormal bleeding.

Then there is the problem of democracies and freedom.

What we witnessed during the pandemic is an erosion of democracy in favour of a bureaucracy that leaned toward administrative rule. For instance, it didn’t appear that elected officials were ruling—power seemed to have been taken over by “public health” officials who delighted in their clout. The WHO and CDC also appeared to be in control.

There was no consultation, no weighing of information and facts to derive a proper course of action, and certainly no accountability. Instead, governments subjected us to mandates that had no basis in scientific fact or judgment or the rule of law. Perhaps due to their inept grasp of common sense, governments displayed their cowardice in the face of a presumed crisis.

What we witnessed is something I hope no other generation will ever have to witness. To dig ourselves out of the current intolerable systems, we need to take back our countries by electing governments willing to work for their country and not for administrative bodies like the CDC and WHO. However, this will require extensive slashing at the highest levels of governments, starting with public health offices, bringing us back to an equilibrium that makes sense.

We saw an outfall from the horrendous measures imposed on a free world. We witnessed and experienced inequality in many forms.

Two weeks to flatten the curve escalated into more “promises” of good intentions for the “greater good.” Lockdowns were just the beginning. Businesses were shuttered. People’s livelihoods were destroyed. Fear propaganda wedged relationships apart, no matter if family, friends, or colleagues. Fear porn created a great divide between those in favour and those opposed to mandates and vaccines (and still, sadly, continues today). I imagine those arrows on grocery store aisle floors really saved many lives. And all this for a virus with over 99% survival rate, anyway. The mind boggles.

I don’t know how we will get out of this mess. I imagine we will need a strong government in Canada (and all countries) to return us to our roots, including embracing freedom and human rights. That is the only way to return to normal. The continued divisiveness thrust upon us by our leaders is the exact opposite of what our once great nation symbolized.

This pandemic has shown us the ugly side of humanity. It is time that we all embrace the courage to say, “no more.” It’s time to forgive and move on. But, in doing so, let us never forget. History is a great teacher, and I hope that the history of this pandemic provides a great lesson for all future leaders and the population at large: consultation and respect for human rights and freedoms must drive decisions, no matter the crisis.


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