Communicating for Understanding

“I am only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.”

—Juan Pablo Galavis


Have you ever said something only to hear it again from someone else but in the wrong context?

I have. It feels devastating at first. But then it does not.

If you end up getting blamed for something completely out of context, what can you do about the misunderstanding?

Graciously acknowledge the misunderstanding and rephrase your intended meaning.

You are only responsible for choosing clarity over fuzzy meaning. Choose your words to provide that clarity. Apologize if the misunderstanding caused angst to anyone. And move on.

Do not let what someone else thinks or believes bring you down or make you think less yourself.

When we speak and act with integrity and without meaning harm to anyone, we gain confidence and build our self-worth.

Do you have integrity?

Do you value your long-term relationships?

Work hard to maintain your good connections, and you will maintain your self-worth.

Do not let one or a few minor grievances from others define you.



Working Efficiently


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