newsletter archive.
(Previously published under the title Extreme Profits
under ISSN 1925-8941)
Open, narrow, close, must and want
When organizations know the root cause of their problems, they will go through three phases to generate and select appropriate solutions. The phases are…
Planning for action, change - not as alarming as it sounds
When an organization discovers its problem's root cause, it is faced with the task of discovering the best solution. And the best solution may not always be the most obvious one. This is where action planning can help.
Action planning involves many minds to generate the best possible way forward. And engaging minds from all levels of the organization-from the boiler room to the boardroom-usually provides the best overall ideas for solutions.
Prescription: diagnosis, people side of diagnosis
How do you know if your organization has a problem? The answer is: When there's a difference between the organization's current state, its desired future, someone notices the difference, and the difference is unable to be defined. This is where diagnosis can help.