newsletter archive.

(Previously published under the title Extreme Profits
under ISSN 1925-8941)

Mary Colak Mary Colak

The brain in change management, downsizing teams

Change management is an over-discussed topic, so why am I discussing it here? There are two reasons.

First, people rarely get change right. Second, managers tend to lose sight of how technology is changing (ahem) change initiatives.

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Mary Colak Mary Colak

Determining what matters most, work-life balance

January of every year sees a multitude of resolutions to start new habits or shed old ones. The aim is always the same: To achieve new goals or re-try past failed attempts.

But we all know that resolute actions in January typically disappear by December's close.

Why is that?

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Mary Colak Mary Colak

Flippant about stress, making stress work for you

Being stressed has become a cliche. No one seems to be taking it seriously anymore. It has become symbiotic with life.

In "It's not sex. It's not drinking. It's stress and it's soaring," research shows that six in ten workers in major global economies are experiencing increased workplace stress and 80% of workers feel stress on the job. Nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress and 42% say their co-workers need such help. While these stats may shock us, what we're not seeing is the effect of stress beyond these numbers.

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Mary Colak Mary Colak

EQ improves productivity, all learning has an emotional base

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions; not only one's own, but others' emotions, as well. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others disagree. Regardless, emotional intelligence is absolutely necessary for productivity. If you don't have solid EQ, you don't have good productivity.

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Mary Colak Mary Colak

Do you need a coach? Coaching culture

In a 2001 study, Manchester Inc. surveyed executives that received coaching. The respondents were from large (mostly Fortune 1000) companies who received "change oriented" coaching aimed at improving certain behaviors or skills or "growth oriented" coaching designed to sharpen overall job performance.

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Mary Colak Mary Colak

Combat counter-productivity, owed to sleep

There is a direct relationship between the amount of time you spend sleeping and your efficiency. It turns out that decreasing sleep by as little as 1.5 hours for just one night reduces daytime alertness by 32 percent.

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