Freedom and re-invention
I know I’m in the minority when it comes to “pushing back” on pandemic measures, so please don’t contact me to tell me what I already know.
Don’t get me wrong: I know there’s a killer virus on the loose, and precautions should be taken. However, I believe that governments and media have gone above and beyond in communicating the fear to ensure compliance.
. . . But I digress.
I don’t know about you, but I think this pandemic with its various measures has been a blessing in many ways.
It’s forced us to look inside our boundaries rather than outside the proverbial box. It has given us a new perception of ourselves and how we think about those around us. I think many of us no longer give a damn about things we used to give a damn! And that in itself is so freeing!
While I abhor the paired words “new normal,” there is something relaxing in this new atmosphere. There’s never been a better time to be alone and just think – and not feel guilty about not running from meeting to meeting as we did pre-pandemic.
Businesses big and small – and individuals – have an opportunity to reinvent themselves in a way that serves not only their immediate needs but those of our planet.
Maybe this reset will help us all become better people and create a more responsible world. IMHO.