How I Help Clients Operate More Efficiently

I am often asked how I can help clients operate more efficiently. My response to this is that it’s quite easy to become efficient. The secret is in eliminating as much wasted time and effort as possible from the tasks that are being performed. Here are my top four areas where I tell my clients to focus in order to operate more efficiently: 

  1. Workspace. A workspace that is free and clear of clutter enables not only efficiency, but productivity as well. Here are some things to pay attention to in relation to your workspace. Is the paper on your desk related only to the project on which you are currently working? Is your desk placed in such a way as to minimize distraction? Is your telephone placed on the correct side of your desk (on the right if you’re left-handed, on the left if you’re right-handed)? Is your computer in an ergonomically correct position? What is the condition of your chair? Is their “space” in your office? Overall, is your office esthetically pleasing such that even your mother would be proud to visit? 

  2. Plan and Prioritize. At the end of each day, plan and prioritize your work for the next day. You may even wish to do this for each week. By planning and prioritizing your day, and sticking to your plan, you are less likely to get distracted by tasks that are unimportant, not urgent or time wasters. 

  3. Self-Management. Adopt habits that enable you to perform your best all the time. Learn to handle procrastination, personal disorganization, socializing, taking on too much work, and delegating. It’s the little things that compounded really derail efficiency. 

  4. External Environment. Sometimes even when we have an efficient workspace, have the best plans and methods for prioritizing and are able to self-manage, the work environment may pose distractions for us. To control the work environment so that it doesn’t impact your efficiency, learn to manage your telephone calls, email inbox, and drop-in visitors, manage disorganized meetings, and use superb communication skills to manage even the most serious inefficiencies. 

At the end of the day, an efficient client is one that is able to contain resources and costs in relation to the amount of work that is produced. And assuming efficient practices are implemented in all the areas of client work, efficiency is just a short step to productivity (rate of production) and an increased bottom line.


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Remove Complexity to be Productive