Mary Colak | Inspiring Ideas For A Better World

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Same or Different?

“‘What I admire most about your art,’” Albert Einstein said, ‘is its universality.

You do not say a word, and yet . . . the world understands you.’

‘It’s true,’ replied Chaplin: ‘But your fame is even greater . . .

the world admires you when nobody understands you.’”

—Unknown author


The beauty of our world is that we are all different.  

It is our differences that meld together to create a beautiful masterpiece of individuality and unique abilities and experiences.

Imagine a world where everyone is the same. Some would say that is harmony, but I disagree. A world of sameness is dull indeed.   

Do not strive to be the same. Strive to be different.  

Be the difference that makes our world amazing!